Watch Venus: 99 nights, 2 mornings, 7 visions (2015) : Full Movie Online Free Video almanac running from September 2011 to June 2012, Venus visibility period at dusk before its transit towards dawn, 138 years after the "chronophotographed" revolver by Janssen, the first machine to record the time by the image. The predictable and unpredictable, the calculated race of the star and the incalculable (or almost) clouds, the routine and the event, the story and the anecdote - all punctuated by 7 visions. Filmed from a constant geolocated point, to an open window overlooking a French city where a canal and a few planes pass. It's also a family film that would make the reamake of Rear Window:take the measure of the small world, exterior and interior where we live, measure, to take a small place, its place, tell stories, have visions.